Neuroscience education and support for parents and helping professionals. Educational graphics, embodiment workshops, neurodiversity consulting.
Neuroscience education and support for parents and helping professionals. Educational graphics, embodiment workshops, neurodiversity consulting.
““Trauma Geek creates an easy-to-follow roadmap for working to resolve accumulated survival energy by doing activities that activate the central vagus circuit and complete the stress cycle.
This takes shame, guilt, and judgement out of the equation of healing from trauma and it makes healing, resilience, and recovery into learnable skills. It does not remove struggle or pain, nor the potential for adverse experiences.
“I'm so glad I found your site. I've referred people to it and referenced it. I'm a childhood trauma survivor parenting neurodiverse kiddos. This information has been helpful for me in recognizing my triggers when they are dysregulated.”
"This is so brilliant and beautiful and incredibly helpful. I’m a chiropractor who works with trauma, and having the linguistic distinction between top down versus bottom up processing alone is worth it.”
“So clear to follow. I think this is often the missing piece when professionals work with people and trauma. Bio-psycho-social approach, and often social part is left unaddressed. I worked in Social Care with families open under child protection plans. So love your presentation.”
“I have done many continuing education credit hours in the last couple of years on trauma, PTSD and polyvagal theory.... and you have taken a complex consideration and distilled it into its essence. Thank you for all the work and time and dedication this has taken you.”
“I work with an organization doing attachment theory and trauma informed somatic practice and we love your top down processing slide group on attachment posted a few months back. Thanks so much for all your work. Love this page!”
“I just wanted to extend my deepest thanks for Trauma Geek. Some of the ideas and resources you posted have been powerful and practical for me, especially now when I have just suffered a terrible tragedy and loss.”
“You explain complex things in a very clear, easy to follow way. I appreciate your clarity and your politics. I’m really very moved and I can’t figure out exactly why.”
“I am a counsellor working as part of the Ontario Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Network, am constantly on the look out for psycho-ed materials, and your info graphics are my favourite thing. I so look forward to using them as educational tools.”